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Who’s Your Audience?

How many times do we think, “I have to look good, or do that well, or act the part?”  How many times have we compared ourselves to others and wished so badly that we had it altogether like they did?  I’m sure your answer is the same as mine…MANY TIMES!  I even want to look good and look like I have it together when I’m out on the farm jogging.  I’ll think, “Am I jogging enough?  If anybody can see me are they impressed that I just ran that fast or that far??”  Granted, my jogging is more like walk/jog right now but I still want the approval of others.  It’s been out there on the farm when I’ve had to say, many times, “God, You are my Audience of ONE! YOU are my Audience of ONE!”  He is!  He’s the One we should seek to impress.  Did you know, though…HE LOVES US WHEN WE’RE AT OUR WORST…and He doesn’t love us any more at our best!  He LOVES us. HE LOVES YOU!  He IS love.  1 John 4:8 says, “Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.”  Also, 1 John 4:16 says, “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

See…God loves us even when others might not.  God delights in us, even when everybody around us is rolling their eyes.  God sees us, even when we’re out on the farm, or in the gym, or at the desk, or wherever we are and is overcome with love for us.  We don’t have to earn it.  We couldn’t if we tried.  He “demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Whatever stage you’re on, or field you’re running on, or path you’re forging, know this…Our Audience is an Audience of One…THE AUDIENCE OF ONE…Jesus Christ…the One you don’t have to impress.  He loves you and me, just the way we are and loves us too much to leave us there.  He wants to make beauty out of the ashes we’ve created during our lives.  He will if we let Him.  Let’s do it.  Are you ready??


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